JROTC Instructors are responsible for the accurate and timely entry of information into JUMS. The JROTC Unit Management System (JUMS) is a US Army application specifically designed for the collection and management of JROTC Cadet records and JROTC unit information. Access to the JUMS application and the ability to perform functions. JUMS-001 JAV Momoko Isshiki dalam Drama Wanita sudah Menikah Wanita Dewasa 2022 - Cuplikan Gratis dan Subtitle Bahasa Indonesia srt.JUMS documents unit and Cadet participation in co-curricular events, including school and community support or service activities. Jums The JROTC Unit Management System (JUMS) is the system of record used by Army JROTC DAIs, DOPs, and Instructors to document Cadet enrollment, manage Cadet awards, promotions, positions, and Cadet Challenge scores.